Love in Action; Kindness at Heart

Valentine’s Day was truly at its best with the OCS Philippines team joining hands with Childhope Philippines Foundation, Inc. to create a day of love that went beyond the ordinary. Our hearts swelled with joy as we made the day extra special for the children of Blumentritt, Manila, through an initiative we named “Love in Action; Kindness at Heart.”

Valentine’s Day was truly at its best with the OCS Philippines team joining hands with Childhope Philippines Foundation, Inc. to create a day of love that went beyond the ordinary. Our hearts swelled with joy as we made the day extra special for the children of Blumentritt, Manila, through an initiative we named “Love in Action; Kindness at Heart.”

Our main goal wasn’t just to bring laughter and joy to these little hearts but also to leave them with a lasting message about love and kindness. To kick things off, our team prepared a heartwarming short film, teaching the kids the importance of helping others and the profound impact their kindness can have. The smiles on their faces as they absorbed this lesson were priceless.

The day was packed with fun activities, including various games that had the children giggling and playing with newfound friends. One highlight was the dedicated time for our employees who went the extra mile, dipping into their own pockets to offer special gifts to the children. The genuine connections formed during these moments emphasized how the spirit of OCS is not just a concept but a living reality, united in both mind and heart.

But the giving didn’t stop there. Thanks to generous donations from our OCS Philippines team, we were able to present the children with an array of toys, turning their day into a playground of happiness. Witnessing their excitement and the immediate sharing among the kids, who even thought of their younger siblings, added an extra layer of warmth to the day.

As the children enjoyed a feast, the spirit of sharing prevailed. It was touching to see them set aside some goodies to bring home for their families. Their selflessness and consideration for others showcased the true essence of love and hope.

In the end, this day became a tapestry woven with threads of inspiration and love. The resilience and hope radiating from these incredible kids left an indelible mark on our hearts. Through “Love in Action; Kindness at Heart,” we not only brightened their Valentine’s Day but also planted seeds of compassion and goodwill that will hopefully blossom in their lives for years to come.

OCS Philippines and CAT Security for the Best Security Services

A nationwide security spectacle unfolds as 681 vigilant guardians from OCS Philippines gear up for deployment!

The security powerhouse, OCS Philippines, has solidified an unbeatable partnership with CAT Security, marking a strategic triumph. Today, we embark on a mission, dispatching dedicated security squads to various Lazada sites across the nation.

This deployment isn’t just routine; it’s a symphony of protection orchestrated with precision. Armed not only with unwavering commitment but also equipped with cutting-edge ‘monster’ toys, our team is poised to execute their duties with unparalleled efficiency and agility. The collaboration with CAT Security amplifies our capabilities, making us an indomitable force in the security landscape.

It’s more than securing spaces; it’s about embracing the future of safeguarding with flair and innovation. The deployment signifies a blend of expertise, dedication, and cutting-edge technology, ensuring a robust shield for the sites we protect.

As 681 guardians stand ready for duty, OCS Philippines continues to set the standard in security, demonstrating that safeguarding goes beyond the ordinary—it’s a commitment to excellence and a testament to our collective mission to ensure safety with style and efficiency.

Partnership with PITX for Enhanced Transportation Excellence

Our organization resonates with excitement as we proudly unveil a landmark partnership with the Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange PITX (MWM Terminals, Inc.)., on February 05, 2024, marking a significant stride in enhancing efficiency and operational excellence within its facilities. This collaborative endeavor is a testament to our commitment to revolutionizing the transportation experience for PITX passengers, ensuring a seamless and well-maintained hub that prioritizes reliability and comfort.

This achievement stands as a collective effort spearheaded by our dedicated team, skillfully guided by the visionary leadership of OCS Philippines Managing Director Phillip Carter and Chief Operating Officer Mario Pagatpatan. Special recognition is extended to business development managers Sarah Jane Arboleda, Eugene LOPEZ, Randy Sedano, and Raymond Jose Castillo from operations, each playing a pivotal role. The HR department, under the adept guidance of OCS Philippines HR Director Jiezl Go, alongside Alfie Torrijos, Rjhay Eligio, Chelsen Galla, Country Procurement Head Marco Alano, and James Soner from Procurement, contributed significantly. Floren Dumlao, serving as the consultant for hard services, made invaluable contributions, weaving together a narrative of success.

This strategic partnership underscores our unwavering commitment to the transportation sector, ushering in a new era of excellence that cements our confidence in delivering top-notch service. As a united force, we aspire to navigate the transportation sector’s horizons with resilience and distinctive contributions, shaping a future where efficiency and passenger experience go hand in hand.

Commencement of Operations with Lazada on February 3, 2024

In a resounding declaration of success, we joyously announce the commencement of our operations under the newly secured contract with Lazada, 3rd of February 2024. This momentous occasion not only signifies a triumph for our team but also reflects the unwavering resilience and determination that define us.

Through a journey fraught with challenges, our team, guided by the exceptional leadership of OCS Philippines Managing Director, Phillip Carter, and Chief Operating Officer, Mario Pagatpatan, turned potential obstacles into resounding success. The invaluable contributions of our Business Development Team, featuring Randy Sedano, Sarah Jane Arboleda, and Eugene Lopez, played a pivotal role in shaping this triumphant narrative.

Amidst the ebb and flow of challenges, the HR department, under the adept leadership of HR Director Ms. Jiezl Go, alongside Alfie Torrijos and Kiecelyn Gaviola, showcased unparalleled dedication. A skilled team, led by Transition Manager Sam Esplana, and including Glenn Manglallan, Ditas Banda, Joseph Demandaco, Joy Dimaano, Cheryl Fajardo, Charmaine Ronsario, and John Michael Perez, navigated complexities with admirable skill.

Recognizing the indispensable contributions of the supporting cast, such as consultants Floren Dumlao and Amelito Montemayor, Senior IT Engineer Ken Hernal, and Communication Officer Ash Arrogante, further enriches the tale of our collective triumph. The commitment to excellence exhibited by HSE Manager Jun Manalang underscores our dedication to safety and wellbeing.

As we embark on this new chapter, our collective passion and commitment stand as an unassailable testament to our capability. Through unity, determination, and resilience, we not only overcame challenges but transformed them into steppingstones towards unparalleled success.

Today, as we stand on the threshold of a promising era, we are prepared to redefine excellence and leave an indelible mark in the realm of operational prowess.

Our comprehensive scope of services, including Pest Control, Mechanical and Electrical, Landscaping, Food and Beverage, Housekeeping, and Security, is executed by a dedicated workforce of 319 individuals for IFM services and 681 individuals for security.

The OCS brand has officially launched globally, and here’s what the Philippines team did.

On January 22, 2024, the highly anticipated global launch of the OCS brand marked a momentous occasion, as it reverberated simultaneously across the globe. Among the enthusiastic participants was OCS Philippines, where the launch was commemorated with a vibrant event that not only introduced the brand but also added a unique touch by celebrating the birthdays of individuals born in January.

The festivities in the Philippines were not confined to the launch alone; we also unveiled the OCS TRUE STAR award, an initiative that aims to honour individuals exemplifying exceptional kindness and embodying the values of Trust, Respect, Unity, and Empowerment. This award serves as a testament to OCS’s commitment to recognizing and appreciating those who positively impact the lives of others.

The event showcased a fusion of excitement and purpose, combining the global unveiling of the OCS brand with the heartfelt celebration of birthdays and the introduction of the OCS TRUE STAR award. As OCS Philippines embraced this moment, the grand celebration not only marked the birth of a global brand but also highlighted the importance of recognizing and promoting values that contribute to the betterment of society.

#weareOCS #weareontheMISSION

Kalyendirya & Storytelling

We believe that street children are created in the image of the Supreme Being with inherent worth and dignity. Therefore, they have the right to live and be protected from any form of abuse. They should be given opportunities to express themselves and maximize their potentials to help themselves and others.


Childhope Philippines

On the 25th of October 2023, something truly magical happened in the heart of Paco, Manila. OCS Philippines and Childhope Philippines joined hands, not just as organizations, but as beacons of hope, compassion, and change. The result? A day filled with joy, optimism, and knowledge, a day that left a profound mark on the youthful hearts of Paco.

This remarkable corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative was a symphony of compassion and learning. It started with enlightening sessions that emphasized the importance of maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness. These simple yet vital lessons are the building blocks of healthier and happier lives, paving the way for brighter futures.

But it wasn’t all about lectures and rules. There were engaging recreational activities that brought laughter and excitement, reminding us that education can be fun. Storytelling sessions added another layer of magic, allowing the children to not just listen but become the story itself. This ignited their creativity, turning them into heroes of their own tales.

And what’s a day of learning and play without nourishing meals? OCS Philippines and Childhope Philippines ensured that every child was not just fed but nourished, their bodies and minds ready to embrace the world with renewed strength.

This noble endeavour transcends charity; it is a testament to our shared mission of improving well-being. It’s a shining example of our commitment to leave a lasting impact wherever we go. Every action we take, every location we visit, and every individual we encounter becomes an opportunity to make the world a better place.

Coldplay: Music of the Spheres World Tour

Today, on January 19, 2024, OCS Philippines proudly takes centre stage as the official ticket validator for the Coldplay: Music of the Spheres World Tour at the iconic Philippine Arena. This monumental event marks not only a celebration of music but also a testament to our commitment to delivering seamless experiences.

As the chosen ticket validator, OCS Philippines ensures a smooth entry process for thousands of excited attendees, contributing to the overall success of this globally acclaimed tour. Our dedication to precision and efficiency mirrors the energy and enthusiasm Coldplay brings to their performances.

In this collaboration, OCS Philippines exemplifies the importance of reliability in executing pivotal roles within large-scale events. Our meticulous ticket validation process reflects our dedication to enhancing the concert experience, allowing fans to focus solely on the magic of Coldplay’s music.

This partnership not only underscores our operational prowess but also aligns with our mission to play an integral role in creating memorable moments for people. OCS Philippines is honoured to contribute to the success of the Music of the Spheres World Tour, symbolizing our commitment to excellence in service across diverse and dynamic environments. Together, we set the stage for a night of unforgettable music and extraordinary experiences at the Philippine Arena.

In a single pulse, two cities beat as one. Thank you, Red Cell Rangers!

In a profound display of solidarity, the heartbeat of compassion resonated between two vibrant cities as the OCS Group Philippines orchestrated a remarkable blood donation drive in collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross. Manila and Cebu, two bustling urban centers, harmonized their efforts in a single pulse, illustrating the potent impact of unity on the journey of saving lives.

This exceptional initiative transcends geographical boundaries, emphasizing that benevolence knows no limits. The synergy between the OCS Group Philippines teams in Manila and Cebu, combined with the unwavering support of the Philippine Red Cross, brought forth a tangible testament to the power of collective goodwill. Each donated pint of blood becomes a poignant symbol of selflessness and shared responsibility, weaving a narrative that underscores the intrinsic connection between diverse communities.

A total of 36 bags of life-sustaining blood were collected, each serving as a reservoir of hope for those in need. This impressive outcome not only reflects the generosity of the participants but also underscores the critical impact such initiatives can have on bolstering healthcare resources. As the ripples of kindness emanate from this collective effort, it inspires a ripple effect, urging others to join in and perpetuate this flow of compassion. Let this endeavor stand as a beacon, reminding us all that when cities beat as one, remarkable feats of humanity can be achieved, and the pulse of kindness can reverberate far beyond the boundaries of any single community.

K-POP Group Seventeen “FOLLOW” tour in the Philippines

OCS Philippines is elated to express its immense pride as our dedicated event management team wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to support the ardent fans of the K-pop sensation, Seventeen, during their exhilarating “FOLLOW” tour in the Philippines. Serving as the ticket validators for the much-anticipated event held on January 13th and 14th, 2024, our team played a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless entry of enthusiastic concertgoers.

The atmosphere during the Seventeen “FOLLOW” tour was nothing short of electric, with our event management team contributing to the overall success of the concert by efficiently validating tickets and facilitating a smooth check-in process. As the passionate fans flooded the venue, our team was dedicated to providing a positive and organized experience, capturing the essence of the K-pop phenomenon.

The collaboration between OCS Philippines and SM Tickets not only showcased our commitment to excellence in event management but also reinforced our enthusiasm for contributing to the cultural vibrancy of the Philippines. This memorable event further solidifies our dedication to supporting and enhancing the experiences of fans and patrons alike, aligning seamlessly with OCS’s values of unity, dedication, and customer satisfaction. We look forward to more opportunities to collaborate on events that captivate hearts and create lasting memories for the community we proudly serve.

In the Philippines, concertgoers love the energy and music vibes. Ticket validators make their concert experience smooth and enjoyable. With quick entry, fans avoid long queues, ensuring they catch every moment of the show. The validators help fans focus on the music, creating a fantastic and hassle-free concert experience.


Roger Godio

Account Manager

OCS Philippines: Security General Formation

OCS Philippines takes immense pride in its role overseeing the strategic deployment of guards in collaboration with CAT Security for a high-profile retail project.

At the forefront of this initiative is our General Formation, a comprehensive strategy that establishes a robust security framework marked by unwavering vigilance and professionalism. Central to our operational excellence is the meticulous training and coordination that define our approach. Each security personnel undergoes rigorous training sessions, equipping them with the skills necessary to address diverse challenges and ensuring a cohesive and synchronized deployment. This commitment to preparedness guarantees a seamless integration of security measures, creating an environment where clients and customers can confidently engage in their activities without concern.

As a steadfast partner in the Retail Industry, OCS Philippines places the safety and integrity of the project at the forefront of its priorities.

We understand the critical importance of fostering a secure environment, not only for the physical assets but also for the overall well-being of everyone involved. Our team’s dedication to maintaining a high level of professionalism, combined with our emphasis on vigilance, sets the stage for a secure atmosphere that instills confidence in both clients and customers alike.

In navigating the intricacies of the retail landscape, OCS Philippines stands as a beacon of reliability and trust, ensuring that the security measures implemented contribute to a positive and thriving retail experience. Through our collaborative efforts with CAT Security, we reinforce our commitment to delivering excellence and setting the standard for security in the retail sector.

The Power of Listening: Why our colleague engagement survey is essential

Embracing global perspectives

Every one of our OCS colleagues is valued, and as the Group Chief People Officer at OCS, in a company as diverse as ours and spread across numerous countries and embracing many languages and cultures, it’s imperative to truly listen to our colleagues. This understanding forms the bedrock of our strategy to become the world’s leading facilities service company.

The significance of every voice

In an organisation as vast as OCS, the insights and experiences of our colleagues, particularly those on the front lines, are invaluable. These team members are the eyes and ears of our operations, interacting directly with our customers and experiencing first-hand the daily challenges and triumphs. We must not only hear their voices but actively listen and engage with them.

Beyond the survey: A commitment to action

Conducting a colleague engagement survey is vital in this engagement process. However, the true essence of these surveys lies in what we do with the information we gather. It’s about turning feedback into action, ensuring every suggestion and insight raised is addressed, not just acknowledged. This approach isn’t just about improving our operational efficiency; it’s about fostering a culture where every colleague feels respected, valued, and heard.

Creating a stronger, unified OCS

Our ambition to be the best in the world is deeply intertwined with our internal culture. Engaging our colleagues through these surveys is more than just gathering data; it’s about empowering them to shape the future of OCS. Their insights are pivotal in crafting policies and practices that resonate with our diverse workforce, driving us towards a cohesive and inclusive organisational culture.

Conclusion: Cultivating a culture of continuous improvement

In our journey towards making people and places the best they can be, the engagement and satisfaction of our colleagues remains a top priority. Through our engagement surveys, we’re not just collecting opinions but inviting our colleagues to participate actively in our journey towards excellence. By listening and responding to them, we are enhancing their experience at OCS and reinforcing our position as a global leader. Together, we are building an exemplary OCS in service, colleague satisfaction, and engagement.

Merger completes between Atalian Servest’s and OCS’s UK, Ireland and Asia operations.

Atalian UK, Ireland and Asia operations to merge with OCS Group to create new, leading international FM provider

Following the recent acquisition of OCS Group by Clayton Dubilier & Rice, Atalian confirms the sale of its operations in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Asia to the private investment firm

In a move that will create one of the world’s largest international facilities service providers, Atalian Global Services has confirmed the sale of its UK, Ireland and Asia operations, along with its specialist automotive division Aktrion, to Clayton Dubilier & Rice (CD&R), the private investment firm that recently acquired OCS Group, with the intention that the businesses be merged over the next twelve months, opening a new chapter for the two firms.

Atalian’s Group CEO Rob Legge will become Group CEO of the newly merged businesses.

Further communication on this exciting news, including the company’s ambition and vision will be shared in the coming weeks ahead.