Net Zero | Sustainable Future

Net Zero Carbon Alliance and OCS Philippines

OCS Team

OCS Team

01 Aug, 2024

Net Zero Carbon Alliance and OCS Philippines

OCS Philippines, a leading provider of integrated facilities services, has taken a significant step towards a sustainable future by officially partnering with the Net Zero Carbon Alliance (NZCA) on July 31, 2024. The partnership was represented by Mr. Jerry Cambal, the Business Development Director of OCS Philippines. Notably, OCS Philippines is the first facilities management (FM) company to join this alliance.

The NZCA, launched by the Energy Development Corporation, is a diverse sector initiative with the goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions within the business sector in the Philippines. It equips its partners with a strategic plan to attain carbon neutrality by disseminating successful methods, amplifying the reduction and monitoring of carbon emissions, and improving access to environmentally friendly financing

This strategic alliance is expected to bring numerous benefits to both OCS Philippines and NZCA, primarily in the shared commitment to sustainability:

  1. Pioneering Leadership: As the first FM company to join the NZCA, OCS Philippines demonstrates its leadership and commitment to sustainability. This move could inspire other companies in the industry to follow suit, amplifying the impact on sustainability.
  2. Shared Expertise: OCS Philippines’ experience in facilities services can provide practical insights into reducing carbon footprints in daily operations. Simultaneously, NZCA’s focus on carbon neutrality can guide OCS Philippines towards more sustainable practices.
  3. Enhanced Reputation: The partnership with NZCA enhances OCS Philippines’ reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking organization. This could lead to increased trust and loyalty among clients and stakeholders.
  4. Sustainable Future: By working together, we can make significant strides in reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability in the FM industry.

The partnership between OCS Philippines and NZCA marks a significant milestone in the FM industry’s journey towards sustainability. It embodies the potential of collaborative efforts in driving impactful change and sets a commendable example for others in the industry.

We are delighted to welcome OCS Philippines and the other companies as our esteemed partners in the Net Zero Carbon Alliance.


Net Zero Carbon Alliance

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