Employee Health | Wellness

Safeguarding Health: Commitment to Flu Prevention

OCS Team

OCS Team

14 Aug, 2024

Safeguarding Health: Commitment to Flu Prevention
On August 9, 2024, we at OCS Philippines demonstrated our unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of our employees by hosting a flu vaccination drive at our head office. This event was open to all colleagues and their immediate families, emphasizing our dedication to creating a safe and healthy environment for our workforce and their loved ones.

Our primary goal for the vaccination drive was to protect against the seasonal flu, a common yet potentially debilitating illness. By offering this preventive measure, we aimed to ensure the health of our staff, thereby reducing the risk of flu-related absenteeism and maintaining high levels of productivity throughout the flu season.

The vaccination process was managed with exceptional efficiency by a professional healthcare provider. This initiative showcased our proactive approach to employee wellness. By investing in the health of our workforce, we not only foster a supportive and caring workplace culture but also help to safeguard the overall productivity and morale of our team.

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