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Elevate venues, theatres, arenas and stadiums with facilities management to deliver the best high-footfall events experience for fans, guests, visitors and spectators.

Group of men and women cheering their national team. Football team supporters enjoying during watching a live match from stadium.

Championing the best outcomes at venues for spectators and fans

OCS Facilities Services enhances venues with tailored solutions that ensure each location shines for its visitors. Our approach combines flexibility with building management tools and intelligent software, ensuring every service is perfectly aligned with the distinct needs of each venue.

Our aim is to provide the best experience through efficiency, enriching customer experiences, and delivering peace of mind through robust security services, ensuring each event is memorable for all the right reasons.

View Facilities Management (FM) or Single-Service solutions below.

Venues FM

Our mission’s BEST strategy and ethos addresses five areas of concern highlighted by industry leaders in reference to facilities management: Experiences, Productivity, Practices, Resilience and Outcomes.

Our Mission & Best Strategy
  • With proactive maintenance and a focus on continuous improvement, we enhance the overall appeal and reputation of venues, making them preferred destinations for unparalleled experiences in the UK.

  • We enhance productivity in UK venues through tailored solutions and advanced technologies. Our proactive approach, including efficient maintenance and smart building technologies, minimises disruptions, maximises operational efficiency, and fosters an environment conducive to heightened productivity.

  • We emphasise compliance, safety, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Through regular audits and eco-friendly practices, we establish and maintain a framework of excellence, enhancing the reputation and appeal of our managed venues for the best possible visitor experiences.

  • Our proactive and adaptive approach, including risk assessments, contingency planning, and resilient infrastructure, enables venues to withstand challenges swiftly. Our commitment to continuous improvement maintains operational stability, providing a seamless and resilient experience for visitors.

  • Focusing on customer-centric solutions, data-driven insights, and continuous refinement, we surpass expectations. Whether enhancing visitor experiences, achieving sustainability targets, or ensuring operational resilience, our holistic approach results in the best overall outcomes for diverse venues across the UK.

Services to overcome the challenges of large venues

Our job is to help make people and places the best they can be through facilities services that deliver the best outcomes.

Contact Our Venues Team
  • With FM, we integrate our services, ensuring they work in harmony to provide a seamless experience, including managing logistics, coordinating between service areas, and ensuring compliance and health and safety regulations.

  • Catering in such large venues needs to be efficient, diverse, and capable of swiftly serving vast numbers of people. OCS’s catering services can handle the scale and variety required, offering everything from quick snacks to full meals.

  • Venues with high footfall have significant cleaning requirements. OCS’s cleaning services can manage everything from routine clean-ups to intensive post-event cleaning, ensuring venues remain spotless and hygienic for every event.

  • Stadiums and arenas require regular maintenance to ensure all facilities, from seating to lighting, are in top condition. OCS’s Hard Services team provides ongoing maintenance and rapid response to technical issues, ensuring minimal downtime.

  • With large crowds and food services, venues can attract pests. Effective pest control is crucial to maintain hygiene standards and customer comfort. OCS’s pest control services provide regular inspections and treatments to prevent infestations.

  • When hosting large crowds, managing security effectively is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety and well-being of both attendees and staff. We address this need through robust security measures tailored to handle large volumes of people.

We focus on the details that deliver the best experience

For many guests, their experience starts before they even enter your venue. We know that the car park, exterior of the building, guest-friendly entrance and exits all make the difference to your success.

Our unique and innovative approach to a guests journey will take you through a real customer journey that your guests experience on a daily basis. This includes monitoring asset protection, asset experience, guest experience and journey, guest touch points and accessibility.

Connect with your OCS team

We’re ready to deliver the best experiences, productivity, practices, resilience and outcomes and we look forward to connecting with you and your team.

Contact Our Venues Team

Frequently Asked Questions for Venues

  • We provide comprehensive waste management solutions, including waste collection, recycling programmes, waste disposal, hazardous waste handling, confidential waste, and tailored recycling plans designed to meet your business’s specific needs.

  • Absolutely. We understand that different facilities have varying schedules and requirements. Our flexible scheduling options allow us to provide cleaning services at times that best suit your operational needs without disruption.

  • Venues vary significantly in size and function. We can tailor our services to support your specific needs and nuanced demands.

  • We have a track record of successful contracts across various venues and events and we can provide references or case studies to illustrate our expertise and the effectiveness of our solutions. Please get in touch – we’d love to share them with you.