ANZ 2023 ESG Report View here

Australia & New Zealand ESG Report

This report outlines OCS ANZ’s commitment to sustainability, detailing our efforts in environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance practices. Discover how we’re making a positive impact in Australia and NZ.

Our Australia and New Zealand business

OCS Australia, OCS New Zealand, Midcity and 1M, together making people and places the best they can be.

  • 4397


  • 90


  • 1626

    Customer Partners

  • 4069

    Customer Sites

New Zealand business highlights

In 2023, we advanced our sustainability goals, achieving a 17.3% reduction in waste to landfill in New Zealand and obtaining the Toitū net carbonzero certification for the fourth consecutive year. Our initiatives also included extensive community support and employee development programmes.

  • 30%

    Reduction in fuel consumption

  • 17.3%

    Reduction in waste to landfill

  • 27%

    Of staff identify as Māori or Pasifika

  • 1

    Launched Whiria Te Tangata | Cultural Capability strategy


We aim for net zero by 2040, focusing on reducing emissions, conserving resources, and promoting sustainable practices. Key achievements include a 17.3% reduction in waste to landfill in NZ and ongoing improvements in energy efficiency and fleet.

  • Focus Area: Fleet

    Met our fuel reduction targets with a 30.3% decrease in consumption. We transitioned 26.6% of our fleet to electric and hybrid vehicles and enhanced driver training programmes.

  • Wind turbine farm

    Focus Area: Electricity Consumption

    Achieved a 100% reduction in electricity carbon emissions from the 2017 baseline by collaborating with Ecotricity and installing new meters.

  • Focus Area: Supply Chain

    Focused on reducing Scope 3 emissions, working with suppliers to refine products, consolidate orders, and enhance environmental outcomes.

  • Focus Area: Business Travel

    Reduced business travel emissions by 12.8% from the baseline year. We promoted virtual meetings to balance essential travel with sustainability goals.

  • Focus Area: Waste to Landfill

    Achieved a 17.3% reduction in waste to landfill, implementing improved waste separation and expanding recycling options across branches.


OCS ANZ is dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive workplace and supporting local communities. Our initiatives enhance diversity, inclusivity, and employability, ensuring our colleagues and communities thrive. Discover how we’re fostering positive social change and community engagement.

  • Focus Area: To be a Truly Inclusive Employer

    Grew partnerships supporting diverse communities, awarded a First Foundation Scholarship, and supported people from diverse backgrounds into employment.

  • OCS launches Whiria Te Tangata, OCS New Zealand

    Focus Area: Cultural Capability

    Launched our Whiria Te Tangata | Māori Cultural Competency strategy, and integrated Te Ao Māori principles across the New Zealand business.

  • Focus Area: All People Thrive and Flourish

    Celebrated colleagues’ achievements, including OCS Stars and Thank Your Cleaner Day™, supported professional development through apprenticeships and qualifications, and engaged in community support.

  • Focus Area: Wellbeing

    Prioritised colleague wellbeing with Employee Assistance Programmes, initiating a Wellbeing Committee, Wellbeing newsletters, and initiatives. We appointed a Hauora (Wellbeing) Manager to lead wellbeing efforts.

  • Health and Safety (2023 ESG Report)

    Focus Area: Health & Safety

    Focused on creating a safe work environment with comprehensive health and safety training, ensuring all colleagues go home safely every day.


Strong governance is at the heart of OCS ANZ. We uphold ethical integrity, implement robust governance frameworks, and ensure transparency and accountability. This includes maintaining ISO standards and proactive risk management to sustain our long-term success.

  • Focus Area: Risk Management, Compliance & Reporting

    Conducted regular risk assessments and maintained ISO standards, ensuring proactive risk management and regulatory compliance.

  • Focus Area: Ethical Practices

    Maintained high ethical standards with robust governance frameworks and comprehensive policies on confidentiality, diversity, and modern slavery.

  • Focus Area: Leadership Development

    Invested in leadership development through training programmes, supporting professional qualifications, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Detailed Summaries for Focus Areas

Read our OCS Australia & Aotearoa New Zealand 2023 ESG Report

Read our report here

To read our previous year’s Sustainability Reports, please click on the links below:

2022 OCS Australia & New Zealand Sustainability Report

2021 OCS Australia & New Zealand Sustainability Report

2020 OCS Australia & New Zealand Sustainability Report

2019 OCS Australia & New Zealand Sustainability Report

2018 OCS Australia & New Zealand Sustainability Report

2017 OCS New Zealand Sustainability Report