ESG | Leadership

Promoting Holistic Wellbeing

OCS Team

OCS Team

04 Dec, 2023

Promoting Holistic Wellbeing

Across OCS we actively cultivate a culture where our colleague’s wellbeing is at the centre of what we do. Our Wellbeing/Hauora Manager sends out a monthly Wellbeing Newsletter to ensure emphasis is drawn to a myriad of health topics – from mental health to physical health check-ups through to budgeting advice.


All colleagues have free access to an Employee Assistance Programme. This is a confidential support service and supports colleagues with problems or issues that may impact their performance at work, physical, mental or emotional wellbeing. We partner with Pace National in Australia and OCP in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Another way we look after employee wellbeing is to encourage participation in national (and international) wellness days, highlighting various aspects of mental and physical wellness.

The Australian teams participated in national ‘Are you OK Day’, including a morning tea and games to raise awareness that a simple conversation to check in with family, friends and colleagues could save a life. They also participated in ‘Near Miss November’, encouraging colleagues to report near miss incidents.

Meanwhile, our New Zealand teams donned pink to champion a bully-free environment through Pink Shirt Day – to ‘Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!’ The Christchurch team also joined in the ‘pink’ action, but this time in support of Breast Cancer Awareness through a Pink Ribbon Walk.

Mental Health Awareness week provided an opportunity to encourage our colleagues to prioritise and understand what ‘fills their cup’ and helps to boost moods. All small things, but ones that go a long way to normalise prioritising mental health as part of a holistic health regime.

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