Cleaning | Our People

Heights to Halls: Inspiring Stories of Our Everyday Cleaners

OCS Team

OCS Team

16 Oct, 2024

Heights to Halls: Inspiring Stories of Our Everyday Cleaners

To mark Thank Your Cleaner Day this year, we recognise the vital contributions of those who keep our environments clean and safe. We’re highlighting the inspiring journeys of two dedicated cleaners, Mateo Salcedo and Ellie Heffernan.

Mateo, originally from Colombia, has found fulfilment in window cleaning in London, overcoming numerous challenges along the way. Ellie, a cleaner at Solihull College, transitioned from dog walking to cleaning, discovering a deep appreciation for her work and its impact.

Their stories remind us of the hard work and dedication that cleaners bring to their roles every day. Let’s take a moment to thank and appreciate these unsung heroes.

Mateo Salcedo, Window Cleaner 

Hailing from the small, mountain-flanked village of Florida in Colombia, Mateo Salcedo grew up surrounded by the casual violence of local terrorists. Fearing for his safety and well-being, he emigrated to Spain. However, finding the country a mismatch for his character, he sought kindred shores in the UK. 

Arriving in the UK, aged 17, Mateo began his journey as a cleaner at one of our customer sites in the City of London then moved over to a customer site on Lime Street and has been there ever since. He is now almost 30. Recently, he realised further opportunities lay above so when the chance arose, he eagerly trained to become a window cleaner. Discovering the thrill and rush of at-height window cleaning, along with the learning and co-working opportunities it offered, Mateo felt he had struck gold. With a supportive team and cradle partner behind him, he has excelled in window cleaning, picking up the tricks of the trade over the past eight months. 

Can you share a bit about your background and what brought you to this job? 

I grew up in a specific area in Colombia called Florida, by the Cauca. It was a dangerous place, so I first moved to Spain, but I didn’t feel good there, so I decided to come to the UK on my own when I was 17. I started working as a cleaner and eventually applied for this job and passed the interview. 

How have you found window cleaning so far? 

It’s lovely. I love the adrenaline and working outside, even in windy or rainy conditions. I’m not scared of heights, but working at heights is a unique experience. You have to be very careful because your life is at risk. The weather can be a big challenge, especially in winter. Coming from Colombia, being used to the heat, the cold can be tough, but I manage. I also have a great team behind me that has taught me so much and gotten me to this point and I want them to know how grateful I am to them. 

Is there a particular moment or experience in your job that stands out to you as especially memorable or rewarding? 

The first time I worked at height was very challenging. I didn’t know it would be so complicated; the cradle moves as you clean! But I learned to work with adrenaline and enjoyed the experience. 

What is something about your job that most people might not know or appreciate? 

It’s quite risky. If the machine goes wrong, it can be very dangerous. People don’t realise how risky it is, especially if you’re a beginner. And it’s not just your life, you’re working with a partner too, who has a family, so you’re both responsible for looking after each other. That’s why there are strict safety measures. 

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of work that you’re passionate about?

I love dancing, but I can’t say dancing is a hobby, as a Colombian it feels more like a part of me. I also really enjoy and love tattoos, I’m covered in them! 

Ellie Heffernan, Cleaner 

Ellie Heffernan has been a dedicated cleaner at Solihull College, Woodlands campus, for almost a year. Before beginning her journey in the college halls, Ellie was a dog walker. She transitioned into cleaning to earn extra money while setting up her business. Over time, she grew to love the job’s dynamic nature and the satisfaction of maintaining a clean environment for students and college staff. 

Can you share a bit about your background and what brought you to this job? 

I started as a dog walker, which I still do for regular long-term clients. I took up cleaning to earn some extra money while setting up my business. Eventually, I found that I really enjoyed the work and decided to focus more on cleaning. 

What is it that you’ve come to enjoy about the job here? 

I enjoy the hectic nature of the job. It’s nice to be constantly on the go and busy throughout the day. I couldn’t have a job where I’m sat down all day. I couldn’t have imagined when I started a year ago, last November, that I’d enjoy cleaning so much. 

What are some of the challenges you face in your daily tasks and how do you overcome them? 

The biggest challenge is managing the workload. The college gets really busy with all the students, so it’s about managing time and ensuring that my colleagues know what they’re doing to maintain their sections as I started supporting the management team about a month ago. I’m enjoying that. I’m now working almost full-time and helping to manage the team, which comes naturally to me. I believe in treating everyone with respect, and that respect is reciprocated. 

Is there a particular moment or experience in your job that stands out to you as especially memorable or rewarding? 

I enjoy the deep cleans. It’s rewarding to see the difference after a week or two of deep cleaning. It’s also special when staff members of the college, like teachers, acknowledge and appreciate the work we do. The thank yous and acknowledgements go a long way. 

What is something about your job that most people might not know or appreciate? 

People often don’t realise how much work and skill goes into cleaning. It’s not just about mopping or dusting; it’s about using the right products and avoiding cross-contamination. There’s a lot of hard work and skill involved that people don’t usually recognise. 

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of work that you’re passionate about, and how do they help you in your daily life? 

I love travelling and going on holidays. I’m also passionate about running and reading. Running helps me stay active, and I was supposed to run a half marathon this year but had to cancel due to a foot injury, which I was quite sad about, but I will be definitely trying again next year. Reading is another hobby I enjoy, and it helps me relax. 

Is there anything else that you’d like to add? 

I think people should appreciate cleaners more. There’s a lot of hard work that goes into keeping places clean, and cleaners are often looked down upon. I believe that the work we do as cleaners makes a significant difference in maintaining a clean and healthy environment for everyone at the college. It’s important to recognise and respect the work we do. 

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