Indigenous jerseys celebrate NAIDOC week at Wynnum Wolves

Wynnum Wolves Football Club is delighted to announce its second year of collaboration with OCS Australia to support the creation of a special indigenous, NAIDOC-inspired club jersey, as well as indigenous awareness programs and player scholarships.

OCS Australia General Manager, Stephen Lockley, said partnering with the club was another way OCS could contribute to celebrating the rich and diverse cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

“At OCS we walk the talk,” said Stephen. “Our values, Trust, Respect, Unity, and Empowerment, mean exactly that – so we’re delighted to sponsor Wynnum Wolves, one of the few remaining grassroots community football clubs in Queensland, as they continue to develop local young talent.

The OCS logo and tagline on the front of this year’s NAIDOC jersey – To Be Your Best –blend beautifully with those on the back of Wynnum’s NAIDOC kit – Ngali Nananya Nagali, which translates to: We Walk Together. Both these statements sum up the values of our two organisations and our shared commitment to working in unison to highlight an important week on the Australian calendar.

Wynnum Wolves FC President, Rabieh Krayem, is looking forward to seeing the jerseys proudly worn on a number of occasions during NAIDOC Week – 7-14 July – by the club’s NPL Men and Under 23s, FQPL Women and Academy boys and girls teams.

“As a club, we’re constantly looking for ways we can support our community and we’re grateful for companies like OCS who help us to do just that.

“This year we’ve worked with talented young local Quandamooka Aboriginal artist, Ayla Costello, to design the special indigenous jersey to worn by our 1,500+ players and members”

Wynnum Wolves FC and OCS Australia respectfully acknowledge Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders as the first peoples of Australia and the Quandamooka People as the traditional owners of the land on which Carmichael Park sits.

We respect and value Australia’s First Nations peoples’ resilience, courage, determination and contribution to this country’s social and economic development, while recognising the immense cultural, spiritual and linguistic diversity that has existed in these lands for thousands of years.

We pay respect to leaders past, present and emerging.

Showing the jersey, OCS Australia

2023: A Year of Challenges and Triumphs for OCS Australia & New Zealand

The global economy remains unpredictable, geopolitical dynamics have shifted dramatically, and the rise of groundbreaking technologies like AI has introduced new complexities. Despite these challenges, OCS is steadfast in its mission to make people, places, and our planet the best they can be.

This week, we proudly released our sixth sustainability report, and our first OCS Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand Environmental Social Governance (ESG) report, which highlights our achievements and challenges from 2023. This ESG Report aligns the Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand region with our global family, showcasing our commitment to sustainability.

A New Era for OCS

At the end of 2022, OCS Group International sold its facilities services division. In March 2023, the new owners acquired Atalian Global Services’ operations in the UK, Ireland, and Asia, merging them with OCS Group to form one of the world’s largest international facilities service providers.

Leadership and Vision

Gareth Marriott, OCS ANZ Managing Director, emphasises that OCS is uniquely positioned to make a significant impact globally. “By focusing on the right actions and collaborating with our colleagues, customers, suppliers, and communities, we can secure a better future for generations to come,” he asserts.

Commitment to Reducing Carbon Emissions

Reducing carbon emissions remains a critical challenge for OCS. “We have made significant progress in reducing emissions across Scope 1 and 2, but we recognise that reducing total emissions is an ongoing challenge,” Gareth explains.

Celebrating Successes in 2023

Despite the hurdles, 2023 was filled with numerous accomplishments:

  • Our Australian business won the Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Award at the WA WHS 2023 Work Health & Safety Awards and was a finalist in several other categories, reflecting our commitment to our colleagues’ health, safety and wellbeing.
  • We expanded our Midcity insurance repair and commercial building business into Victoria to meet growing customer needs.
  • Peter Lucas, our 2023 Annual OCS Star winner, exemplifies exceptional service at 72 years old. His inspirational story is featured in the social section of the report.
  • In Aotearoa New Zealand, we partnered with Māori business advisor Dr. Jim Mather to develop a cultural capability strategy, Whiria Te Tangata.
  • In Australia, we completed our draft Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with guidance from First Nations advocate Cameron Costello.

Dedication to Sustainability

OCS’ commitment to sustainability is integral to our operations. We hold ISO 14001 and Toitū net carbonzero accreditations, underscoring our dedication to environmental stewardship.

With over 4,500 colleagues across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, representing more than 90 nationalities, OCS ANZ is dedicated to making people and places the best they can be through conscious and collaborative efforts.

You can view the report here.

Collaboration with Aboriginal Artist for RAP

National Reconciliation Week is a special time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements while exploring how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Here at OCS, we push ourselves to continue learning and taking steps to help tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation. We’re doing this by developing and implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) – a step-by-step plan that formalises our commitment to reconciliation and our desire to contribute to positive change.

This National Reconciliation Week, we partnered with Perth International Airport, to hold a series of workshops with Aboriginal artist Buffie Punch of the Noongar Nation. Buffie will be completing two separate artworks (one for each of us) representing each organisation, to have as part of our RAP and be presented during NAIDOC week in July.

“Our team really enjoyed the interactive art workshops with Buffie and appreciated the opportunity to have some meaningful conversations,” said OCS Australia General Manager, Stephen Lockley.

“Huge thanks to the Perth Airport team for hosting us at their Airport Experience Centre – we can’t wait to see the finished art pieces.”

OCS’s RAP forms a roadmap to reframe our relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and work with them to ensure ongoing diversity and inclusion in all elements of our business.

It represents the culmination of our desire and respect for reconciliation and is a natural reflection of our TRUE values of Trust, Respect, Unity and Empowerment.

Working with Buffie is another significant step in our RAP. She was raised in Perth (where OCS Australia is headquartered) and has family connections to Gnowangerup in Western Australia. Much of her work is influenced by family, cultural connections, spirituality, and relationships – which is a great alignment for OCS.

She believes art is one of the greatest tools for helping with mental and emotional issues, and of course, is a great storytelling platform. Everyone has a story to tell, and art is one of the most creative forms for sharing these stories.

We’re looking forward to witnessing our story come to life through Buffie’s work, while continuing our journey towards achieving our vision for reconciliation of an Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are restored to a place of equity and respect.

Living Our TRUE Values – Harmony’s Quick Actions Saved a Life

When we talk about living our TRUE Values, we need look no further than Harmony Pandher, a Customer Services Manager at OCS Australia.

Travelling between customer sites on a busy Wednesday afternoon in St Kilda, she was horrified to witness a hit-and-run where a car hit an elderly woman in a wheelchair on a pedestrian crossing, knocking her to the ground.

With the traffic at a standstill, Harmony immediately moved her car to block traffic to protect the woman and raced to her aid.

“It was clear that the lady Mrs Fernandez was in urgent need of medical attention. She had blood coming from a wound in her head and was covered with scrapes and contusions,” said Harmony.

“The traffic was gridlocked, and I knew it would be a long wait for an ambulance and I knew from my first aid training that getting her to hospital quickly was paramount – and, having lost both my parents, there was no way I was going to risk this lady’s life.

“So, after consulting other bystanders, we put Mrs Fernandez into the back of my car, and I embarked on some creative (but safe) driving to get her to the Royal Melbourne Hospital as quickly as possible.”

After ensuring Mrs Fernandez was safe in the care of the medical team and providing her statement to the Police, Harmony simply got on with her day. It wasn’t until Mrs Fernandez’s son contacted OCS wanting to thank Harmony for her care in such a critical situation, that anyone knew anything about her heroic afternoon.

When asked why she hadn’t told anyone, Harmony said “I did what I believe anyone would do – treating others with compassion and humility in such situations.”

OCS AU team group photo

Alex Fernandez, Mrs Fernandez’s son, said his whole family are grateful Harmony was on the spot to help.

“Harmony’s quick actions saved my mother’s life. Thank you, Harmony, your care and kindness means so much. You went above and beyond, and we are thankful you were right there on the scene,” says Alex Fernandez.

Gareth Marriott, OCS Managing Director, said: “We are so proud of Harmony’s actions during such a critical moment. Her quick thinking saved a life – reflecting her extraordinary empathy and dedication to helping others.

“The way Harmony responded is a testament to her character and the TRUE Star she is. We are honoured to have someone of her integrity and courage on our team.”

Promoting Holistic Wellbeing

Across OCS we actively cultivate a culture where our colleague’s wellbeing is at the centre of what we do. Our Wellbeing/Hauora Manager sends out a monthly Wellbeing Newsletter to ensure emphasis is drawn to a myriad of health topics – from mental health to physical health check-ups through to budgeting advice.

All colleagues have free access to an Employee Assistance Programme. This is a confidential support service and supports colleagues with problems or issues that may impact their performance at work, physical, mental or emotional wellbeing. We partner with Pace National in Australia and OCP in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Another way we look after employee wellbeing is to encourage participation in national (and international) wellness days, highlighting various aspects of mental and physical wellness.

The Australian teams participated in national ‘Are you OK Day’, including a morning tea and games to raise awareness that a simple conversation to check in with family, friends and colleagues could save a life. They also participated in ‘Near Miss November’, encouraging colleagues to report near miss incidents.

Meanwhile, our New Zealand teams donned pink to champion a bully-free environment through Pink Shirt Day – to ‘Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!’ The Christchurch team also joined in the ‘pink’ action, but this time in support of Breast Cancer Awareness through a Pink Ribbon Walk.

Mental Health Awareness week provided an opportunity to encourage our colleagues to prioritise and understand what ‘fills their cup’ and helps to boost moods. All small things, but ones that go a long way to normalise prioritising mental health as part of a holistic health regime.

OCS Australia – Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Award winner

OCS Australia has won the Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Award at the Work Health and Safety Foundation (WHS) Awards 2023.

Gareth Marriott, OCS Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand, says that looking after people, whether that be their health and safety at work, or embracing and celebrating their diversity, is a priority at OCS.

“Winning the Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Award makes me extremely proud. Proud of the work we do, and most importantly proud of the people we work with.”

OCS Australia is committed to celebrating diversity and values the contributions that its 700+ colleagues, from 50 different nations, cultures and ethnic backgrounds put in every day.

“This achievement is more than just a mark of distinction; it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace. This accolade underscores the breadth and depth of our dedication not only to diversity and inclusion but also to the health and safety of our employees.

There were 12 other award categories and over 120 submissions at the WHS Awards, of which OCS Australia were finalists in three of them. These included the Innovation in WHS Award (Product), WHS Management System Award, and Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Award.

“Ensuring our team members get home safely every day will always be our priority,” Marriott says. “It’s rewarding to have our dedication in this space acknowledged, but we understand that there’s always room for growth. We’re excited to continue our journey of learning and improvement.”

Midcity expanding into Victoria

Midcity, OCS Australia’s specialist insurance building repairs and commercial building and maintenance business, recently expanded into Victoria to better serve its customer base. .

Leading the expansion are Cara Grambeau (State Manager) and David Jones (State Construction Manager). The pair, based in Melbourne, will be using their considerable experience and knowledge to bring Midcity’s specialised building services to the metro area and wider Victoria.

OCS Australia Managing director, Gareth Marriott, says he has no doubt that Midcity’s expansion and ability to provide specialist services at a high standard will result in great customer outcomes in the region.

“It’s been an exciting time; these two experienced professionals are a great asset to the team and I’m looking forward to seeing how we can really shift the dial for our Victoria-based customers.”

Insurance repair work can be comprehensive, and restoring a property requires a team of highly skilled tradespeople. That’s why Midcity has hand-picked an expert subcontractor team of electricians, engineers, painters, plasterers, plumbers, roofers and specialist heritage craftsmen (and women) with a proven track record of successful project outcomes, and a reputation for quality and superior service.

The commercial building and maintenance side of the business includes highly qualified and experienced estimators and project managers, all with extensive experience successfully delivering large-scale and intricate commercial projects.

Marriott says it’s only a few months in and the team have already made considerable progress in Melbourne. “Watch this space,” he says.

Collaboration and determination key to sustainable outcomes

Despite the distractions of the COVID-19 pandemic, flooding, global uncertainty, and labour constraints, OCS Australia has gone from strength to strength, taking steps towards creating a better future for generations to come.

The initiatives and partnerships we have committed to are shared in our 2022 OCS Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Sustainability Report, released this week.

OCS ANZ Managing Director, Gareth Marriott, says having a sound sustainability framework is more valuable than ever.

“Our framework puts our people, customers, and communities at the centre of all that we do. Alongside providing exceptional facilities management services, we aim to make a positive social and environmental impact every day.”

Gareth says one thing that has stood out for him in 2022 is the focus on partnerships.

“We have really focused on partnering with our customers, industry experts and supply partners to achieve our respective climate action and sustainability goals.

“We have seen a rise in innovative and collaborative solutions to everyday problems and increased opportunities for our team members to take on new responsibilities.

“We’re also proud to partner with Toitū Envirocare, and in New Zealand, the Sustainable Business Council and the Climate Leader Coalition – all three help our Australian business to also stay abreast of current challenges and opportunities.”

Carbon reduction has been under the microscope for OCS in 2022, and we enlisted Toitū Envirocare to help us generate new science-based carbon reduction targets.

“Climate change presents environmental, social, and economic crises on a whole new level. For nearly two millennia, humans have been carbonising the planet, and we must act to decarbonise.

“Over the last 50 years climate-induced weather events, such as droughts, fires and floods, have cost Australian communities an estimated $120 billion. And that doesn’t reflect the human cost. Setting new science-based targets is a step in the right direction, however it’s a small drop in what’s required globally – we need to all work together now if we are to effect real change.”

OCS is also proud to have achieved, for the third year, Toitū net carbonzero certification in line with ISO14064-1, reflecting our commitment to leaving our planet in a better state for future generations.

With a diverse team of over 4,000 people, made up of 89 cultures, OCS ANZ is making a conscious effort to ensure our operations are environmentally responsible and have a positive impact on the communities we serve.

You can view the report here.

OCS celebrates International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day we recently caught up two members of our OCS Australia family – Erzelina Hyska and Adriana Freire. They share their career development advice and give us a little insight into their individual journeys with OCS and what they love about working here.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #EmbraceEquity, which is a statement that holds true for us at OCS. Driving the success of our women is not just something we say – it’s something we do.


  1. Erzelina Hyska

Erzelina Hyska started working for OCS as a cleaner in a Melbourne shopping centre in early 2020. Her potential was soon recognised by her team leader, who was quick to appoint her as shift supervisor.

After a break during COVID-19 Erzelina returned to OCS to take on a new and even more challenging role – Site Manager at a food manufacturing site. As Site Manager, Erzelina leads a team of twelve OCS cleaners operating in a demanding environment with strict food safety requirements.

Despite being judged by friends when she got into the cleaning industry, for Erzelina this was her happy place. And this passion and dedication has led her to where she is today, having taken several steps up the ladder within OCS. Go Erzelina!

We asked Erzelina about her experiences working at OCS.

Q. Tell us about your journey at OCS. In what role did you start and what are you doing at the moment?

A. I started working for OCS as a cleaner three years ago in a shopping centre in Melbourne. Soon after I took on the job, I was asked to take on a fulltime supervisor role where I was in charge of seven cleaners. After a short break due to COVID-19, I was contacted by my former manager who wanted to know if I was interested in a position as site manager. I certainly was! I now look after twelve workers who are responsible for making sure our customer’s site is absolutely spotless.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your work?

A. That would have to be my team. We are one. Everyone jumps in when needed and it’s amazing to know that you’re well looked after. Every day people check in on me to ask me how I’m doing and if I need any help. Apart from the OCS team, it’s great to have such a positive connection with our customer as well.

Q. What advice would you have for other women when it comes to career development?

A. Do what you love. Follow your dreams. When I started cleaning at quite a young age, my friends would judge me. Luckily, I didn’t care about what they thought. I’ve got two girls at home and I teach them to never be ashamed of what you do – if what you do, is what you enjoy.

Q. Are there any women who have inspired you in your life?

A. My mother is not only my biggest supporter, but also the one who has inspired me the most. She is such a strong woman and has always said to me ‘You can do it!’.


  1. Adriana Freire

Adriana Freire only recently started her journey with OCS when she came on board as the Site Manager for Westfield Mount Druitt in August last year.

Together with her team of around 30 people, she makes sure the whole shopping centre is sparkling clean. With more than 65,000 sqm of floor space and around 11,4 million annual customer visits that’s quite challenging. But as Adriana puts it: “life would be boring without challenges”.

Coming from Brazil 13 years ago and now working in a completely different field than her previous experience, Adriana has had her moments of insecurities. Her tips for overcoming that include: to have trust in yourself and gather people around you who are there for you. Also, always remember: “women are strong and powerful, we can do anything”. We couldn’t agree more, Adriana.

We asked Adriana about her experiences working at OCS.

Q. Tell us about what you do at OCS.

A. I started working as the Site Manager for Westfield Mount Druitt in August last year, so I’m still pretty fresh at OCS. Within my role, I manage a team of around 30 people and I’m the first point of contact for the customer. We work 24/7 in three shifts: mornings, afternoons and night shifts/weekends.

Together we make sure the whole shopping centre is sparkling clean. With more than 65,000 sqm of floor space and around 11.4 million customer visits annually, that’s quite challenging. But life would be boring without challenges.

Q. What do you enjoy most about your work?

A. Building a relationship with our customer is something I’ve really enjoyed. And the fact that every day is a different day works well for me – I’d get tired of doing exactly the same day in, day out.

Also, I love working in a team and collaborating with people. In my view, you should lead by example, so I don’t  sit in my office much, I spend time with my people. I think that’s the most effective way to create a great team.

Q. What advice would you have for other women when it comes to career development?

A. Do everything you want. Sometimes women think they’re not capable of doing certain types of work, but I always say: you can do anything! Women are strong and powerful. So, I’d encourage everyone to follow their dreams.

I used to work at a bank back when I lived in Brazil, so I’m in a totally different field now. And yes, I have to admit that sometimes that has made me unsure, but you need to trust in yourself. Also, gather people around you who are there for you. My husband gives me great support, because he’s in a similar situation.

Q. Are there any women who have inspired you in your life?

A. I know it’s cliché, but my mum has been my main inspiration. She is such a strong woman. Sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed or low, I call her and she reassures me that I’m on the right path. Also, when I look at her career and life it makes me so proud. She was the only woman working for one of the largest telecom companies in Brazil and she pushed through so many boundaries.

I have to say that my father inspires me a lot too. He works for the federal highway police and always wanted me to work in that field as well, because there were not many women in that field. Twenty years ago, most federal highway police were men – only 1 out of 100 were women. But I travelled the world instead. Luckily when I decided to move from Brazil to Australia, both my parents gave me all the support I needed.

Innovation and focus on sustainability key to sustained partnerships

OCS Australia is delighted to announce it has renewed its contract with global product and PPE supplier Bunzl, acknowledging the benefits of fostering collaborative partnerships with like-minded companies.

Bunzl has been OCS’ primary supplier of cleaning consumables and equipment, as well as PPE for their facilities management and cleaning teams since 2019. They’ve been instrumental in keeping Australia’s Covid-19 frontline work-ready.

Responding to evolving challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic has required OCS to act decisively and fluidly. They’ve had to keep their frontline team safe at all times while also working swiftly to keep Australia’s public spaces and places safe, clean and hygienic.

Bunzl has risen to the challenge, rapidly responding to shifting needs and supplying high-quality materials, while providing innovative solutions to everyday problems.

OCS Managing Director Australia and New Zealand, Gareth Marriott, says the decision to extend the supplier agreement with Bunzl has been an easy one.

“We have cemented our partnership with a shared focus on sustainability, as well as a joint desire to innovate and create a better industry for everyone.

“Notably, our partnership has seen the Bunzl team thoroughly audit and ratify imported and local products and alter delivery activity to reduce carbon emissions.

“They have also worked closely with our teams to customize training of our team to ensure site hygiene and cleanliness, and personnel safety meet the highest standards.”

Mr Marriott says regular communication has ensured a continuous supply of stock and specialised products during the pandemic.

“The Bunzl team has developed a true understanding of the shifting needs and requirements of our customers.

“Our work with Bunzl truly reflects our Partnership Made Personal brand promise and we look forward to helping the relationship reach new heights in the future.”

Bunzl Australia and New Zealand Managing Director, Lance Ward, says Bunzl is excited to continue its work with OCS.

“A shared purpose and similar core values have been the defining factors of this successful partnership with OCS.

“As a result, we have seen some real movement in achieving our sustainability targets and assisting our customers to do the same. We’ve been able to leverage the power of our global technologies and innovative systems to provide the most efficient results.”

OCS secures three-year contract renewal with Perth Airport

Perth Airport’s decade-long partnership with OCS Australia has seen the renewal of their cleaning contract for three more years, ensuring passengers will continue to enjoy the highest hygiene standards at one of Australia’s busiest airports.

OCS’ team of cleaners and sanitation workers have been on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic and have worked diligently in the past two years to keep thousands of travellers coming through Perth Airport safe and hygienic.

OCS Managing Director Australia and New Zealand, Gareth Marriott, says the contract renewal also provided an opportunity to value-add for Perth Airport.

“Our trusted partnership with Perth Airport over the past 10 years has given OCS the insights to ensure any issues are immediately addressed. The renewal of our contract also gave us the opportunity to incorporate maintenance services delivered by our building repair and maintenance business, Midcity, adding another layer to our services for Perth Airport.”

Perth Airport Chief Operating Officer Scott Woodward says, “It’s great to have a partner who is aligned to our values and focused on our people and the airport users. It has been a challenging two years and OCS has continued to support and add value across the Airport”.

The OCS Perth Airport International Terminal sanitising team were also named the OCS Australia & New Zealand 2021 Annual Stars for their expert care and attention, and for their work on one particularly complicated and specialised sanitizing treatment following a high-risk repatriation flight.

Gareth says OCS looks forward to this next phase in its partnership with Perth Airport.

“Above all, we want to acknowledge the exceptional work being done by our onsite teams who continue to create a five-star experience for every visitor, passenger and staff member who walks through Perth Airport’s doors.”

New General Manager for OCS Australia

International facilities management company, OCS Australia, welcomes Stephen Lockley to the role of General Manager Australia.

Steve is an experienced people leader with strategic management experience across both soft and hard services, including cleaning, integrated facilities management plus mechanical and electrical.

He has worked across multiple sectors, managing services in healthcare, manufacturing, retail, remote sites, corporate, government, utilities and education.

His recent senior management experience has included roles with Ventia in Australia and New Zealand, ISS in Asia, and Sodexo in Australia.

Gareth Marriott, Managing Director OCS Australia and New Zealand said the new role was testament to the company’s focus on growing the Australian arm of the global business.

“Australia is an important strategic market for OCS. We have been operating here since 1998, growing to more than 350 sites across the country while delivering the same quality service and family values that our founders set back in 1900.

“Steve brings with him strategic strengths to support and grow our market share across key sectors and assisting in driving our acquisition strategy. He has the depth of experience we need to continue to innovate, to excite our customers and deliver quality solutions.”

Steve Lockley said he’s excited about joining the OCS family and working with the Australian team.

“I’m looking forward to meeting the team and our many clients and working together to deliver quality solutions and great service.” Steve said that he believes that “there is currently a real opportunity in the market and having the support an international company will help to accelerate profitable growth across multiple business sectors”.

Steve joined OCS Australia on 24 January 2022.