Our first 100 days: An update from our Group CEO

It’s been 100 days since we set out on our journey to bring our two impressive teams together to form the new OCS, and I’m encouraged and excited at the progress made so far and the opportunities ahead for us. I am pleased to reflect on our progress so far and check in on our vision and mission towards becoming the best facilities services business in the world, making people and places the best they can be. As we develop our plan, the main areas of focus and prioritisation are investment, team collaboration, cultural integration, our responsibility towards ESG initiatives and the continuation of excellent service for our customers and end users.

Bringing our two previously family-owned businesses together closely will be the key to our success. We have enormous experience and expertise within our newly formed organisation, and we’re focused on bringing those teams closer together physically, technologically and above all, culturally. Part of our brand launch (later this year) will help to embed our TRUE Values throughout the organisation. Our values guide what we do, how we operate, how we interact and, importantly, how we show up and deliver each day. Trust, Respect, Unity and Empowerment (TRUE) are at the heart of OCS, and I’ve made it my mission to deliver that message at every opportunity.

You may have heard the term ESG. It’s a widely used term in business and stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. ESG is an accountability mechanism on which we are measured as a business. ESG covers every aspect of sustainability, from environmental to financial sustainability, all things people and community and how we, as a business, are aligning to global initiatives such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – as well as the governance of our organisation and how we ensure that we’re operating in a way that aligns to our values. Look out for further updates on our ESG strategy and progress which will include our Net Zero targets.

Investment in our organisation is vital, and we’re looking at all business areas to see where investment is needed and how that investment will help towards our vision and mission. Making people and places the best they can requires real effort in areas from training and development to innovation and technology – and you have my word that we’re committed to this being part of our ethos and an essential ingredient for our success.

Speaking of success, I’ve already witnessed much of this during the first 100 Days of our transformation, be that teams working together, contract awards, the continual progress of our Apprenticeship and Learning and Development schemes – or the positive feedback that we’ve received from a wide range of customers, which pleases me hugely. But we’re not always judged on our successes. More likely is that we’re judged on what we’ve not done well or where we could improve – and so I’d ask you all to continue the good work in bringing our teams together and doing all you can to help us come the best facilities services business in the world.

I want to thank everyone for their efforts so far, and for what we’ve achieved in such a short space of time. I look forward to updating you on further progress and key milestones of our exciting journey together.

Rob Legge, Group CEO

OCS reflects on reconciliation progress during NAIDOC Week

NAIDOC week provided a great opportunity for OCS Australia to reflect on its reconciliation progress and share new initiatives that support their journey of cultural discovery.

Experienced First Nations advocate and proud Quandamooka (Moreton Bay) man, Cameron Costello, o joined OCS as OCS First Nations Ambassador, providing the organisation with guidance as OCS commenced our journey earlier this year.

OCS are honoured to be a major sponsor of the Wynnum Wolves Football Club, supporting scholarships and indigenous awareness programmes. The highlight of this partnership is the creation of their own indigenous jerseys, the first in the club’s 102-year history,  worn by more than 1,500 players and member.

OCS has also joined the growing number of Australian businesses coming together to support meaningful social equity and change. Their draft OCS Australia Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) outlines actions towards achieving OCS’ vision to contribute to positive change in social, economic and health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

As OCS looks ahead, they will register their RAP in the early months of 2024 and are seeking to work with a local indigenous artist to design their RAP cover. The RAP roadmap will guide OCS outlining key actions to be taken throughout the coming year.

Gareth Marriott, OCS Managing Director Australia & New Zealand emphasized, “Our journey is ongoing as we pursue our mission of making people and places the best they can be.”

OCS ANZ management teams unite at annual conference

After 3 long years, OCS Australia and New Zealand management teams (including colleagues from 1M and Midcity) from across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand came together in Christchurch at their annual conference in March.

Relationships emerged as the central theme of the conference – building, maintaining and nourishing key relationships, with customers, supply partners and colleagues has seen OCS go from strength to strength, despite a tumultuous three years.

The insights, perspectives, and expertise shared over two days clearly showed the value of being able to be together and unpack the lessons of the last few years while setting the groundwork for the years to come.

The energy and enthusiasm in the room was contagious. Colleagues exchanged ideas and celebrated successes, leaving everyone inspired and motivated to make a difference as they work towards common goals.

As the conference concluded, the resounding message was: relationships matter – they fuel progress and drive success.