Living Our TRUE Values – Harmony’s Quick Actions Saved a Life

When we talk about living our TRUE Values, we need look no further than Harmony Pandher, a Customer Services Manager at OCS Australia.

Travelling between customer sites on a busy Wednesday afternoon in St Kilda, she was horrified to witness a hit-and-run where a car hit an elderly woman in a wheelchair on a pedestrian crossing, knocking her to the ground.

With the traffic at a standstill, Harmony immediately moved her car to block traffic to protect the woman and raced to her aid.

“It was clear that the lady Mrs Fernandez was in urgent need of medical attention. She had blood coming from a wound in her head and was covered with scrapes and contusions,” said Harmony.

“The traffic was gridlocked, and I knew it would be a long wait for an ambulance and I knew from my first aid training that getting her to hospital quickly was paramount – and, having lost both my parents, there was no way I was going to risk this lady’s life.

“So, after consulting other bystanders, we put Mrs Fernandez into the back of my car, and I embarked on some creative (but safe) driving to get her to the Royal Melbourne Hospital as quickly as possible.”

After ensuring Mrs Fernandez was safe in the care of the medical team and providing her statement to the Police, Harmony simply got on with her day. It wasn’t until Mrs Fernandez’s son contacted OCS wanting to thank Harmony for her care in such a critical situation, that anyone knew anything about her heroic afternoon.

When asked why she hadn’t told anyone, Harmony said “I did what I believe anyone would do – treating others with compassion and humility in such situations.”

OCS AU team group photo

Alex Fernandez, Mrs Fernandez’s son, said his whole family are grateful Harmony was on the spot to help.

“Harmony’s quick actions saved my mother’s life. Thank you, Harmony, your care and kindness means so much. You went above and beyond, and we are thankful you were right there on the scene,” says Alex Fernandez.

Gareth Marriott, OCS Managing Director, said: “We are so proud of Harmony’s actions during such a critical moment. Her quick thinking saved a life – reflecting her extraordinary empathy and dedication to helping others.

“The way Harmony responded is a testament to her character and the TRUE Star she is. We are honoured to have someone of her integrity and courage on our team.”

OCS Donates 20 Wheelchairs to Wheelchairs For Kids

In early May, our OCS team in Western Australia donated 20 wheelchairs to the Wheelchairs for Kids headquarters in Wangara WA. These wheelchairs are now on their way to Zambia, ready to transform the lives of children in need.

After completing a Passengers with Restricted Mobility contract (PRM), our team found themselves left with several wheelchairs needing to find new homes. Thanks to our valuable connections at the Wanneroo Business Association, we were able to ensure these wheelchairs would reach children who needed them most.

Wheelchairs for Kids is a volunteer-driven not-for-profit organisation dedicated to bringing the transformative gift of mobility to children in impoverished and under-resourced communities both in Australia and around the globe.

Wheelchairs don’t just provide mobility – they provide lifelong empowerment. With improved access to education, better health outcomes, and enriched social connections, wheelchairs lay the foundation for a fulfilling life—privileges many of us take for granted. Wheelchairs for Kids has delivered this life-changing gift to over 50,000 children across 90 countries, restoring dignity, hope, and independence to the world’s most vulnerable.

Children living with a disability are among the most marginalised groups in the world. Without adequate medical care and equipment, they face an even greater burden. However, numerous studies have highlighted the positive and long-lasting benefits of providing wheelchairs, including:

  • Increased life expectancy
  • Easier access to healthcare, food and water
  • Broadened employment opportunities
  • Empowering parents to work and contribute to family and village income
  • Improved social integration and overall life satisfaction
  • Improved respiration and digestion, slowing the progression of deformities

Since 1998, Wheelchairs for Kids has tirelessly worked to deliver the life-changing gift of mobility to the world’s most underprivileged regions. In Zambia alone, they have donated 1,003 wheelchairs, with an additional 20 from OCS about to make their journey, continuing this incredible mission!

Since then, we are delighted to share that an additional 18 wheelchairs have been donated – making it a total of 38 chairs!